News — Orthotics
Footwear First
Posted by PPL Biomechanics on

When approaching a biomechanical assessment for new patients with a view to provision of foot orthoses, consider the impact of poorly fitting footwear, the patient's individual needs, and also how to convince them to transition from their previously-loved "elegant" footwear.
- Tags: Footwear, Orthotics, PPL Article

Slimflex, Interpod, Diaped and Peapod now available from PPL
Posted by PPL Biomechanics on

There will be a phased introduction of Algeos products over the coming weeks. Pricing and Technical Support will be available on products as PPL bring them into stock.

Services Update 2021.01 | Cast Storage | Repeat Orders
Posted by PPL Biomechanics on

As an essential business, PPL has continued to operate as normal throughout this difficult period. In the coming weeks, we will be making structural changes to our factory in Cork to further accommodate physical distancing to keep our staff safe. To make the necessary space to achieve this, we have taken the decision to no longer retain customers’ plaster cast moulds for repeats of handmade casted devices, effective from February 2021. This change does not affect CAD CAM Casted Orthoses as we retain the 3D design file of all orders. This enables us to continue to offer a 20% discount...

Spring 2020 Course Announcement | Two Day Intermediate Level Biomechanics Course
Posted by Thomas Twomey on

Intermediate Level Biomechanics Assessment & Prescription Writing Course Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan Road, Woodland, Dublin April 2020 24 - 25 Fri - Sat This two-day course has been developed for postgraduate medical practitioners with minimal experience in orthotic prescription writing and will encompass theory and practical workshops. This multidisciplinary course is delivered jointly by Sharon Morris Physiotherapist (MSc. Biomechanics) Galway City Physio and Joanne McKenna, Podiatrist. This intensive workshop-based course aims to enable practitioners to: Understand the principles of functional biomechanics Understand how the main functional units of the foot behave in gait Undertake a comprehensive biomechanical assessment Identify pathological standing...
- Tags: Assessment, biomechanics, Course, education, Footwear, Gait, insoles, news, Orthotics, Physio, Podiatry, Posture, Prescription

Extended X-Line Stock Foot Orthoses Range
Posted by Thomas Twomey on

X-Line stock foot orthoses have been central to our range for a number of years. This brand has experienced considerable growth over the last 18 months. This influenced our decision to extend our X-Line range to include 6 further devices. Our most popular device within the range has been the X-Line TPD, a highly stable option for Tib Post Dysfunction. A lower strength alternative is now available in the form of the TPD 50 Light. This is of particular use to teenagers that have outgrown the Pedipod device. The new X-Line Standard is a basic insole which can be easily...